At WWDC last week, Apple launched their newest mobile version of iOS; iOS 7 and it’s a far-cry from the old model. It’s better looking, more open and more functional: It’s more Android.
It’s very good looking. Using a new skinny font and lighter
colours are key to this. The iconic slide bar has been altered as well as the
keyboard which is translucent to allow you to see beneath it. The overall look
is very ‘Google Now’ and this has clearly been their inspiration. Maybe it's just me but I think the overall look is very similar.
What’s new: The Control Centre
For those familiar with Android devices, the Control Centre
is simply the notification bar. In what is just a copy of what Android has been
offering for several years, the Control Centre allows users to adjust settings
such as brightness, WiFi and rotation lock as well as providing quick access to
other apps. Try and spot the similarities below (FYI the Android screenshot is a bit old but Android 4.2 has kept the functionality, just left it looking a bit better):
What’s new: Multitasking
Woah, ground-breaking work from Apple here… By copying
Android 4.0’s ‘window switching’ abilities, Apple now allow an easier form of
multitasking. Looks strangely similar, no?
What else?
Safari now provides unlimited tabs, photos now have filters
and apps can now automatically update. Airdrop allows for easier sharing, Siri
has a new voice, Mail can be gesture controlled and “hello, iTunes Radio”.
We all know that Apple needed to move, and needed to change the mobile iOS.
It was tired, basic and was holding Apple’s technology back. They’ve done a
good job with iOS 7 as it is a more complete and less restricted OS but they’ve
improved by doing what they promised never to do; copy others.
Android based their initial OS on the best bits of iOS, and
Steve Jobs/Tim Cook were very forward in pointing that out. However, now the
table have turned. The notable changes in iOS 7 have been copied from Android,
not just in concept, but in appearance. It is a sign of weakness and admitting
defeat. In all these changes, Apple haven’t innovated whatsoever and that will
worry the already troubled investors.
In launching iOS 7, Apple have admitted defeat in
innovation, and in turn, have taken their seat behind Android’s operating system. The changes make Apple’s
offering stronger, but only by taking the older elements of Android. Apple’s innovation
has been under the microscope for a while now, and this release does nothing
convince others that Apple still ‘has it’. This is another flat launch of something new from Apple. Investors are far
less bothered about software – they need to be convinced that Apple can
dominate the market once again. Now they are firmly behind, and chasing the
opposition, that domination is becoming less and less likely.
I'd love to know your thoughts, please leave a comment below if you fancy a chat.